Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Muddling the Theme


When... as a blogger... you get a three week break from writing your blog, what do you do? Well, you go read other people's blogs. That's exactly, what I've been doing as of late, with my time off, and I just have to say that there are some brilliant people out there. I am trying to expand our 'cool links' to feature some of these brilliant folks with something important to say about Art and how we use it. So, you'll see more links to the right as we move along.

I recently posted on Mike Daisey and his art and controversy and all that great stuff, and as I have been following friend and fellow blogger, Dennis Baker, I ended up diving into a whole great discussion about how we compensate artists (in this case theater actors) for their work.

All this fun, has lead me to wonder, if I am highlighting enough "Art" on this site. We spend a lot of time talking about the Funny and cool creative toys, but Art?

So, expect the great theme adjustment to begin to take place. I will still post on cool fun stuff, and random weird things I see, but it is important to engage in some rhetoric about the value we place on that which can be deemed ART.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Looking forward to seeing what you find!