Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Humanity Takes a Wrong Turn

So, quick post here, because I had to. This is just too odd.
ART OF FUNCTION is about the creativity and how we use it in life. Classic Example is the iPod. Elegant design meets high functionality. The MP# player is a good example of creative thinking applied to functional use to create art. The subject of this post is the antithesis of this motto. The banner picture above features a product known as... CHEESE BURGER IN A CAN. That's right. It's a canned Cheeseburger. A cheeseburger one would ingest into your body... after removing it... from... A CAN!!! Now, I readily admit to having a penchant for the Chicken Salad sandwiches and Hot Dogs sold at 7-11; however, not even I would stoop to eating this. I swear this is something my Father would eat on a fishing trip right after he polished off can of vienna sausages. Now for those of you out there reading this and thinking... no way... it's an internet fake. This is photosphoped! Well, my terrified friend, just click the link above and you will find the product page where you can purchase this online. Truly, our cups runneth over.

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